E36 Progress Over Perfection: The Journey of Self-Compassion in Pursuit of Your Purpose
In this solo episode of Working Towards Our Purpose, I reflect on the challenges of starting new ventures and the frustrations that come with a lack of immediate progress. This showed up for me when building my new website and learning Wordpress, and also starting a new job. I discuss the internal struggle of being hard on yourself for not grasping things quickly. As I navigate through self-criticism and the need for patience and grace, I arrive at the importance of perseverance and self-compassion when embarking on unfamiliar journeys. Impostor syndrome and self doubt are part of the process, but I think it's helpful to talk about it and not just keep it to yourself because we all struggle with it.
Topics in this episode:
Topics in this episode:
- Feeling frustrated when not seeing immediate progress
- Self-Criticism and Imposter Syndrome
- Being hard on oneself for not learning quickly
- Reflecting on limitations imposed on oneself
- Recognizing the need for patience and kindness towards oneself
- Emphasizing the importance of persistence and self-forgiveness in learning new skill
- Overcoming Limitations and Self-Imposed Boundaries
- Breaking free from limiting beliefs
- Encouraging patience in achieving tasks and goals
- Discussing the possibility to learn and improve at any stage in life
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